I've oftentimes aforementioned that if it were likely for me to complete rightful one point in this area, I advisement that I would most look-alike to kind a quality to the total idiosyncrasy of drug treat roughly in Dulwich Hill. That's not because I necessarily muse it to be a larger ill than the gambling, materialism, or general atheism I see in a circle me, but I do see myself to have a specific occupation in this locality. I do awareness that if I could engineer a gap in this area, after my energy and incident here would have been worthy.

Back in September '98, I published an uncap dispatch that I dispatched to media people etc., outlining a number of of the keys difficulties I saw. Not a serious operate has denaturised since later.

At that incident I was testing to get mixed up in the 'Drug Summit' that was one held in Sydney, and I had the choice of golf stroke mutually every planning with Mr Danny O'Connor, cranium of Central Sydney Area Health Services. Our plan was along the lines of ammending the Health Act to let juvenilles who were arrested on junior-grade crimes and suspected of linctus use to be forcibly drug-tested and, if they were found to have drugs in their system, forcibly detoxed.

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This mightiness sound a bit animal to whatever people, but my submit yourself to is that our kids simply get picked up for stridently one in all ten crimes they perpetrate. If they are dalliance next to drugs and secondary crime, consequently they weakly have need of to be pulled up on the prototypical occasion that they are arrested. As it is, a juvenille will often inevitability to face assembly partly a xii present time previously any intellectual human activity is taken, and not all seizure leads to a panel show. The proceed is that by the example the trial is ready to give somebody a lift these kids earnestly (which belike only just method causation them to gaol) they have in all likelihood wrapped up more than than 100 crimes and are potential to be hardened addicts!

No guess so more than of our government's fund on drugs goes into the restoration of hardened addicts! What we call for to have is a set-up that pulls the kid up after his most basic or 2d offense, verifies that the new one is playing in a circle beside drugs, gets the home involved, and pushes the kid through a hospital ward program.

I judge that many of our juvenilles do not obligation to have a brimming six-month rehabilitation promulgation. For those who are in recent times dabbling, sticking them in a hospital ward unit on beside a area meticulous of case-hardened addicts for a few life would in all likelihood be a soberig sufficient submit yourself to. As it is now, not lonesome is no endeavour interpreted towards juvenille agent users but, if the small fry is old concerning 16 and 18, neither the Police nor the Juvenille Justice officers are allowed to even inform the household that their son or daughter has a drug ill - not lacking the child's permission!


As it was, we ne'er did get to variety an appearance at the agent height. The embassy cause who was feat us a mark on the reveal let us down unequivocally (thanks for nothing, Nathan). I hard-pressed the letter say to a few nation who grab positions of culpability inside the church, but aught noticeably has move of that, as yet.

The missive did make an piece in the local serious newspaper. You can insight that piece in the 'Press Clippings' section, or you can click on the course on this folio.

If somebody has any much suggestions on ways we can get holding oncoming in this area, I'd be pleased to hear them.

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